Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the "F" situation

When my students do not hand in the entirety of a packet, I simply give the grade they earned with that draft. All my students have the chance to constantly revise their papers and they are reminded of this at least once a week after the first paper is handed back. I place a deadline on when I will stop accepting these revisions (this semester it is May 1) and also remind them of that aspect. Their grades are not only placed on their papers but also on blackboard. I always write "revise" or "may revise" and then leave it up to the student.
For a situation this extreme, I would like to think I would approach it the same way. The fact that at least one student did the assignment correctly seems to allude to the fact that I did present the rules at least one time. If I did not chose to go my general route, I would employ this technique: Here are your drafts back with your earned grade. You WILL turn in a complete draft by the next class period or your grade stays (NO REVISIONS ALLOWED)
Of course, this would greatly depend on how many students had trouble with the assignment: did I get any emails, did I get a lot of emails concerning this paper? These issues would have to be addressed, but I would assume I would still call them all dumbasses and then have them do it again (the right way this time).


Eric Sentell said...

How does allowing revisions until the semester's end work out? Do you get a ton of papers in the last week, or do half the students not care?

imcriswell said...

Do not just tell Eric about how this technique has worked in the classroom. I have toyed with the idea of implementing this strategy as well, and I would like to know how it works.

Unknown said...

Tag, you're it!

Knife the Cat said...

I just tell my students that they are all equally worthless in my eyes. No matter what grade they receive in English 110 they will always be big fat failures, with a capital F.
But really, you have to bend in 110 or you end up holding back the whole friggin class.