Sunday, February 24, 2008

Comics and the classroom

In my personal life, I watch a lot of stand up comedy. I often incorporate these elements into my classroom. I like to approach the classroom as a humorous environment, in addition to a learning environment. Recently, I have developed two new lessons that I am going to center around a specific comic, Gallagher. Now, for those familiar with this comic I am not going to smash food (yet), but there is a skit he does involving mismatched clothing that I am going to restructure to fit the unity of an essay. This will involve bringing a random amount of clothing and going through a routine that elaborates on how ridiculous it is when people dress like this, then link it to how ridiculous some essay structures are.
The other routine I am going to adapt involves style. This is discusses by Gallagher because we all need style to get through life. I am merely going to revamp the routine to reflect personal style in essays. Thus far, what routines I have included from various comics have greatly increased their attention. I enjoy the responses from the students and also enjoy the interaction. Most of the routines do involve the students and that allows me to have a greater effect (I hope).

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