Friday, February 15, 2008

Disney Project (pre research paper)

Last semester, I included an extra credit project that revolved around exploring the basis for various Disney films. The students were to chose any film from a preselected list (a list which excluded some of the more obvious ones such as Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, etc) and research possible connections to previous books, movies, plays, etc. This was originally given as an extra credit assignment to be written in the form of a textual analysis (assigned after the T.A.) and was not "due" until the final day of the semester. This semester, after my lecture on looking further into texts and using the Lion King and Little Mermaid as examples, both classes seemed to be more eager to explore these possibilities than last semester. So, I have decided to include this as a project, a small project before or even perhaps during the initial stages of the research paper to give them another view on research.

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