Wednesday, February 13, 2008

poor attendance

For the past several weeks, I have been struggling with the low class attendance. This has led to a general low self esteem issue for me and all because I was not focusing on the half (literally the half) of the class that is showing up to learn twice a week. I have been intent on that fact that I have been dropping the ball that I have been constantly questioning everything I am doing, even though I have altered very little as far as what I did last semester. Having heard a lot from the other GA's in the office, of whom I know are Kick Ass teachers, I have finally come to understand that the spring semester just plain sucks. This is a lesson that I am sorry I had to take almost five weeks to weed out for myself, and that a line from the movie, The Emperor's Club is actually true, "The value of life is not measured by a single failure or a solitary success." We must not forget about those that do show up and do want to be there. I was allowing the negativity, that I thought reflected on me and my personal methods of teaching, to block the good that I could have been doing to those that were showing up and supporting me every class period. I know we are all tired and ready for the semester to end, but man, I can not believe I ignored the positive ones and focused on the negatives.

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